Archived Sites
What exactly does ‘Archived’ mean, Mr. Porn Geek? What’s this page all about?
You probably know by now that Mr. Porn Geek is in the business of high quality websites and that means that from time to time, I have to drop places that aren’t living up to expectations. I don’t want anyone visiting a destination that hasn’t managed to maintain a decent user experience so that’s why on occasion, some places end up in my ‘Archived’ section. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re awful or not worth visiting, it just means that when it comes to the standards I expect here on my review platform, they’re not quite that amazing. I check all of the reviews I’ve written in the past on a regular basis and each site gets a check at least once a year (with some happening every 3 months) to keep things here as clean and polished as possible. Basically, any site that appears in this category is likely a low quality porn site that has failed to live up to expectations and I’ve checked them out and moved them as a result. It’s a testament to the quality control here and lets you know I’m doing my job by ensuring that only the cream of the crop is available for my users.
Are there any other reasons why you might put a site here, aside from being low quality?
Of course – there are some links to destinations that no longer exist and were taken off the Internet for whatever reason, so I still want to keep a review up, although it leads to nowhere, so not exactly great if you’re trying to jerk off and the place I’m recommending is no longer online. I’ve also had experiences where websites I’ve checked have had viruses installed, or switched over content to stuff that I don’t agree with: in those circumstances, I also add them to my low quality porn site collection. At the top of each review that has been switched to this category, I typically cover why I think the place is a bad porn site or just give an explanation as to why it’s been switched. The worst cases for me are the ones where the site is now offline – either because the owner stopped keeping it paid for or they decided it was time to call it quits. Those situations absolutely suck and Mr. Porn Geek hates when he has to remove a site because of that. Too bad for those that love porn, eh? Thankfully, there’s a way out of this mess for you.
Okay, spill the beans! What should I do if a site I wanted to visit is no longer recommended by Mr. Porn Geek?
Go on over to my homepage and from there, click on the related category to that website – that’s the best way to find more of the same and get a recommendation that guarantees you’ll be happy as Larry. Mr. Porn Geek rarely only reviews a few websites for each category so more often than not, you’ll be spoiled for choice and will always have great choices when it comes to enjoying XXX entertainment online. Even my categories devoted to more niche places such as escort destinations and software recommendations are packed to the rafters: I’m all about giving my readers the choice of a few places, although like I always say: you have to be on your A-game if you want to have a recommendation from me. It’s a tough Internet out there and there has never been a better time to get your hands on the cream of the crop when it comes to great X-rated websites with lots of smut to keep you happy.
Does anyone help you check these websites, or are they all done by you?
For things like checking page load speeds and viruses, I have a few other volunteers that assist Mr. Porn Geek: these volunteers are software based and essentially make my life easier so I can focus on stuff that robots are unable to check (like how good a porn video is). Mr. Porn Geek is committed to ensuring that the final products presented here are as good as can be, so the websites that end up in the ‘bad porn site’ area are obviously lagging behind the so-called competition. Since the Internet is so damn big and there are thousands of websites for essentially anything you could want, there has never been a bigger market to shop on. Plus since most of the sites out there are free, you won’t have to pay in order to enjoy them! I hope you’re as pleased as I am with the Internet when it comes to getting porn and other adult related services such as live cams and escorts. The world’s your oyster when it comes to sex and Mr. Porn Geek is really going to go above and beyond to put a smile on your face and a bulge in your pants.
Thanks so much for this project – is there anything I can do personally to help you?
Well since we’re on a page for Archived reviews: you can always go ahead and just tell me whenever you find a website listed here at Mr. Porn Geek that is no longer active or has wildly changed since the last time I reviewed it. The thing is, Mr. Porn Geek has over a thousand reviews these days, so giving you valuable recommendations has obviously been a big part of my life over the last few years. This means that with 1,000+ recommendations, there are tens of thousands of things that can go wrong with anyone of my links all day, every day. Report issues you find and if you have your own site to recommend to me, simply shoot Mr. Porn Geek an email and I’ll be happy to take a look. Aside from those two things, be sure to bookmark my homepage so that whenever you want to find the good sites online, you’re never more than a few clicks away.