Syrian Refugee Becomes Pornstar in Europe

07 November 2016
Antonio Suleiman is a refugee from Syria that fled from ISIS and has started up a porn career, working from Germany. He's featured in adult productions such as 'The Arabian King' and wants everyone to know that it's possible for refugees to be normal, functioning members of society (if fucking hot sluts and getting paid to do it is 'normal', I want a 'normal' life too!). He's just 19 years of age and originally fled from Syria back in 2012 with his family when the war started. Now that he's old enough to feature in adult productions, Antonio has worked hard on maintaining a fantastic body and ensuring that he performs as best as possible when getting down and dirty on camera. Sadly, he's received a number of death threats since he's 'come out' as a refugee pornstar from members of ISIS that claim he's degrading the 'a Syrian body'. Antonio has stated that while he likes working in

That Time NASA Sent Nude Women to the Moon

05 November 2016
You're probably not old enough to remember the Apollo 11 landing (I know I'm sure not!) but did you know that after Apollo 11, the US continued to send people to the moon? Apollo 12 took off just a short time after the first landing in November of 1969 and unlike the first mission, this time, the astronauts took porn with them. I know – it's crazy – but absolutely true! Dave Scott, the backup commander to the Apollo 12 mission, decided that his time as a secondary choice for the adventure into space was best spent providing the men that would land on the Moon with access to some sexy babes. See, on the arm of every suit the astronauts wore was a small flipbook detailing what was expected of them during the mission. It functioned as a checklist of sorts and would ensure that they were on time and on schedule for everything they needed to do. You can actually see the checklist of

Prop 60: No One Wants Porn With Condoms

05 November 2016
Be honest: how many times do you see someone perform in the porn industry using a condom and go "damn, that's pretty fucking sexy!". The answer is never, because the simple fact is that no one wants to watch porn where condoms are used. Now, whether or not you think Prop 60 is a good idea from a health perspective, the simple fact is that a lot of porn is produced in California and a number of companies make good money from doing it. Bringing condoms into porn is going to reduce the demand for porn from that country and, to be honest, there are so few people that actually want this dumb law to go through. The situation right now is this: if someone wants to create porn using condoms, they are free to do so. If someone doesn't want to become a pornstar because they don't think the sex is safe – THEN DON'T GET INTO PORN. The porn industry is fine without you, and the rate of STDs a

Teacher Fired After Watching Porn at School

05 November 2016
Okay, so I'll admit that watching porn while I work is … actually a fucking job requirement for me, and as such, it's not really that much of a big deal, but I read this article today and found out that a teacher at Wyvern College in Salisbury, Wiltshire (The UK) was permanently banned from teaching after he watched pornography on his computer while at work. This guy has been teaching at that school for over 35 years: he's a veteran dude that is 61 years of age and during a break period when not teaching, he used a computer to look up porn on his PC. He apologized profusely for doing it and said that he wasn't feeling too great during the period when it occurred. Basically, he's sorry and it won't happen again. But no, the school decided it was far too serious and that it was "wrong and potentially damaging to his pupils". I mean, it's not for them to decide whether or not his ey

Welcome to Mr. Porn Geek’s Blog!

05 November 2016
Hey there – thanks for visiting! I'm Mr. Porn Geek and this is my site. I hope that you've been here long enough now to know that there's nothing I enjoy more than having fun with adult entertainment. I'm a bit of a critic when it comes to the realm of porn and related topics, so this site was basically established as a way for me to review the best destinations out there and let you know what I think is good and what I think is bad. You've probably noticed by now that I'm pretty switched on when it comes to my reviews and know what to consider – that's because I've been reviewing sites my entire life! Mr. Porn Geek is an expert when it comes to the best adult entertainment around and if you're reading this right now, I imagine that you've probably got a couple of ideas of what you'd like to find. Simply head on over to my home page and you'll find dozens of categories and hundred