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H Browse: Hentai heaven on Earth

I’ll be honest with you: it wasn’t until around a year ago that I truly understood the hentai niche and everything that went along with it. I’ve always been passionate about porn, but the sub-culture of Japanese animated adult entertainment has always been quite distinct and unique. Thankfully, over many months I honed my craft and started to appreciate what it was all about, which is why I now feel very comfortable recommending websites that are devoted to hentai and the like. On the topic of reviewing hentai hubs – I’m going to talk to you today about H Browse. Self-described as a ‘hentai manga database’, the name of the game here is free access to the very best hentai comics and doujinshi. Sound like something that’ll get your dick hard? Well keep reading and I’ll tell you all about HBrowse.com and what you can expect to find over there!

Homepage of H Browse

When you land on the homepage, you’ll notice a distinct theme here: minimalism. The owners of this website have kept things nice and clean with limited text and distracting links. Hell, the few sentences they have at the top are even devoted to telling you that they want a bare, minimal layout without intrusions. I absolutely love this and I think you will too: the design philosophy is something I can really get behind here. Now then, let’s actually look at what’s on the homepage as opposed to what’s not on there.

Just below the site’s intro text, you’ve got a link to the categories segments that are incredibly detailed and useful. While most porn sites just have a niche category associated with them, H Browse allows you to break down content by Genre, popularity, artist, title, fetish, groupings and other advanced features. We’ll get into those a little later, since it’s important to understand how you can go through content here on H Browse. Just below the category browse feature, you’ve got a list of the latest updates added to the archive, which include a small preview thumbnail, title (In English characters, but not always translated) and the categories associated with the release. Aside from a few admin links in the bottom, there’s nothing else on H Browse’s homepage to look at – that’s all they’ve got, and it’s brilliant!

Exploring the category culture of H Browse

One thing I’ve learned over dozens of hours looking at hentai websites is that the community is obsessed with collection, categorization and organization. Let’s take a look at the fetish category section for example: not only do you have a list of niches that you might be interested in, but they come along with descriptions of the fetish too. For instance, Bloomers is a fetish category at H Browse with over 300 entries right now and next to the name, you get the description of ‘type of underpants worn by woman’. Short, simple, accurate – this is meticulous attention to detail and something I can only give heaps of praise to H Browse for having. Talk about a high quality website: I’m actually amazed at just how good my experience has been here so far and I’ve not even looked at a single hentai image. This is taking the XXX manga addict’s high to a whole new level of awesome.

Now alongside these niches, you’ve also got specialised meta-niche content such as the role that a particular person is playing in a hentai publication. What do I mean by that? Well, if you want to look at hentai with ninjas, they’ve got you covered. The same goes for cheerleaders, angels, nurses and nuns – whatever your particular taste of role, chances are that H Browse can provide it for you. Of course, you can just go for ‘normal’ if you want standard girls without anything weird going on. H Browse also has sorting based on positions, relationships and artists involved: it’s cracking stuff.

Trying the H Browse hentai collection

It’s about time that I tried out some of the hentai here, so I went for my personal favorite style of hentai: schoolgirls. There are hundreds of uploads here and what I love about H Browse is the fact that they’re from lots of different artists, so if one doesn’t have an art style you’re digging, you can immediately find something else that gets the juices flowing. What you’ll find here on H Browse is that a lot of the uploads have been translated by people who just love manga porn and share the translation services just for the good of the community. It’s pretty stellar to be honest with you: can’t beat original hentai with translations for those of us who can’t read Japanese!

I looked at about 10 comics and was really happy with the layout and style of content presentation here. The homepage promised minimalism and I can tell that the people behind the website have gone above and beyond to nail its design and presentation. H Browse allows you to download the manga from adf.ly (I guess this is the only negative thing, but they’ve got to make money somehow, right?) directly to your PC or you can just look at your leisure on the website. Clicking on the images loads the next one and once you’re done it will flick you on over to the next chapter in the series.

Final thoughts on H Browse

Sometimes I can recommend websites that are good, other times they’re great. H Browse though? This is something else entirely. I’ve seen well-designed sites before, but this is just on a whole new level. Enthusiasts for the genre need to check this place out and see it for themselves: they’re going to fall in love. The great thing about H Browse is that it’ll sell itself if you’re a true fan of doujinshi: you know what you’re looking for and this is the perfect site to help you get it. I’m very impressed – check it out for yourself and you’ll see why. As always, I’d like to thank you for reading this honest, professional review from Mr. Porn Geek – stay tuned for more great recommendations for doujinshi libraries in the future!

Review Pros
  • Great hentai porn
  • Amazing design
  • No adverts
Review Cons
  • Third-party ZIPs
  • Small text size