
Million Dollar Porn


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Introducing Million Dollar Porn

What’s up, horny jerkers? It’s Mr. Porn Geek here, and today, I’m gonna be covering my newest idea: Million Dollar Porn! You can find the website over at MillionDollarPorn.com – but don’t worry, if you don’t have that much cash, you’re still going to be able to have a great time. How, you ask? Well, because you don’t need a penny to visit! The site idea is a unique one, and it’s one I’m particularly proud of, so let’s get into it and I can tell you all about what MDP has to offer and why you might want to visit!

What to know about Million Dollar Porn

So first things first: this is all about adverts. That’s right – my idea was to create a website that’s 100% about making me cash! The good news is that you benefit too: these people who are advertising on my new project aren’t doing so because they have sucky websites: they have great places for you to visit, and they want you to see! Ever watched adverts during major sporting events and the like? It’s always for stuff you’d use or already know about, right? Well, the same concept applies to Million Dollar Porn!

There are a total of 3927 ad blocks available, and website owners can go right ahead and buy as many as they want. I’ve already sold a bunch and space is going to slowly run out: just know that once they’ve all disappeared, that’s it! Million Dollar Porn will have no more spots to sell, and it will forever be locked in place. It’s then my job to make the site as active and attractive as possible, but given the success of Mr. Porn Geek, most people who are buying into Million Dollar Porn know that I’m good for it. One thing MPG understands better than most is getting the punters in!

The sizes on MDP

So I’ve decided to make each of the squares 16 by 16 pixels, which is enough to convey some information, but for many brands, they’ll want to buy a few blocks so they’ve got themselves a decent setup and plenty of space to work with. Some sites are going real simple and convenient: others are going to make it a lot more complicated. The top and the bottom of Million Dollar Porn is that you’re going to find a lot of great websites that really do have the goods. It’s also a bit like a roulette-style approach to porn, right? Remember when Google had ‘I’m feeling lucky’ and it just took you straight to the first result? Some people loved that, and Million Dollar Porn can emulate that – but in a pornographic environment.

How much do the blocks cost?

Blocks are $256 each, since each pixel is equal to one dollar. I thought about allowing people to buy just one pixel, but at the end of the day – it just wasn’t going to work. I think that the original million dollar website doesn’t look so tidy because of this, but MDP is going to make for a much better visual – all things considered. I loved the idea when I thought it up, and it’s going to be one of many things that Mr. Porn Geek does over the coming months and years to spice up the world of online porn.

Final words on Million Dollar Porn

Folks: there’s really not much more to it than what I’ve already mentioned. This place is going to be chock full of websites with a lot of skin in the game and that genuinely care about putting out world-class XXX material for you to watch. If you’re sick of websites that aren’t built with the future in mind, it’s best for you to go ahead and visit MDP. I’m excited for the future of this hub, and I’m pretty sure that you’re going to love what’s on the other side. Thanks, and I’ll catch you in the next review!

Review Pros
  • Simple idea
  • Free to access
  • A piece of history
Review Cons
  • 100% ads