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PornVids: Mr. Porn Geek’s take

It’s quite interesting – over the last week or so, I’ve been searching all over Reddit to put together my list of the best subreddits in town, but only today have I really realized that most places don’t enjoy links to full-length videos. I think it’s a problem with advertisements and that type of thing, but one peculator exception to the rule is /r/PornVids. This subreddit is – as far as I understand it – the largest NSFW place where you can find adult videos. I’m about to venture over to this place for a full look at what’s on offer here, so let’s go ahead and give Porn Vids the complete Mr. Porn Geek analysis.

/r/PornVids by the numbers

Numbers are important, so I always want to start any review of a Reddit community by looking at the objective data first. First up – /r/PornVids was established back in August of 2009, making it one of the oldest places around for adult material. Over the last 10 years, Porn Vids has amassed a following of just over 330,000 people, making it around 60th in terms of subscriber counts for NSFW subreddits. When sorting content by new, /r/PornVids seems to get around 25 new submissions every 2 days – quite slow, but not the end of the world, since you can always go through 10 years of content! It’s fair to say that so far, so good for /r/PornVids.

Content analysis: how /r/PornVids stacks up

I’ve got to always consider that content is king, so whatever videos are at the top of /r/PornVids should be well worth jerking off to. If we look at the best submissions of the last year, you’ll see that /r/PornVids doesn’t actually get many upvotes on the material that it receives – to get first place only requires 1,000 upvotes, whereas similarly sized places have multiple posts with over 10,000. You’ll get a real mixed bag of videos here, including amateur content, professional smut and situations where the two are mixed together. Sadly, I did notice that quite a few videos had been removed from the sites that they were hosted on, which may mean that just looking at the top content by week or month is the better way to go about doing things. Too bad if you ask me – a little disappointed to be honest!

Final thoughts on /r/PornVids

There are clear issues with this subreddit, but since it’s the biggest when it comes to full-length porn videos, I don’t have much of a reason to suggest that you don’t follow. I mean, you have to compare niches to other niches, right? If this just happens to be the biggest porn video destination on Reddit, then I guess it’s one of the better ones out there (since people vote with their subscriptions). There are a few strict rules here that might make the content flow less often than normal, but yeah – still not a terrible place if you’re just looking for suggestions of videos to watch from other people.

Review Pros
  • Some great videos
  • Large community
Review Cons
  • Limited OC
  • Strict rules
  • Some broken links